Dichiarazione di Varsavia sulla sicurezza Transatlantica

  1. Today, our nations face an unprecedented range of security challenges, including the terrorism that has struck hard in many of our countries; Russia’s actions, especially in Ukraine, that undermine the rules-based order in Europe; and the instability in the Middle East and North Africa.  We stand together, and act together, to ensure the defence of our territory and populations, and of our common values. United by our enduring transatlantic bond, and our commitment to democracy, individual liberty, human rights and the rule of law, NATO will continue to strive for peace, security and stability in the whole of the Euro-Atlantic area, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter.
  2. Because of the decisions we are taking here in Warsaw, as set out in detail in our communique, NATO will be stronger in defence and deterrence, and do more to project stability beyond our borders.
  3. Collective defence remains NATO’s fundamental responsibility.  Our deterrence and defence is based on an appropriate mix of nuclear, conventional and missile defence capabilities.  We have already improved NATO’s readiness and capability, and Allied defence budgets are beginning to increase towards the goals we pledged in Wales.
  4. We are now taking further steps to strengthen our deterrence and defence against threats from any direction.  Building on the Readiness Action Plan adopted in Wales, we will enhance the presence of our forces in the Eastern part of the Alliance.  We are bolstering our defences and resilience against cyber attacks and hybrid threats.  And we are stepping up our defence against ballistic missile attacks from outside the Euro-Atlantic area.
  5. All these measures are defensive, proportionate, transparent and fully within the Alliance’s legal and political commitments, demonstrating our respect for the rules-based European security architecture. We remain committed to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.
  6. NATO poses no threat to any country. In that spirit, we remain ready for a meaningful dialogue with Russia, to communicate clearly our positions and, as a first priority, to minimize risk from military incidents, including through reciprocal measures of transparency. We continue to aspire to a constructive relationship with Russia, when Russia’s actions make that possible.
  7. If our neighbours are more stable, we are more secure.  That is all the more relevant today, in light of the arc of instability beyond our borders.  We are united in solidarity against terrorism, which represents an immediate and direct threat to our nations and the international community.  We are ready to do more to help our partners provide for their own security, defend against terrorism, and build resilience against attack.
  8. NATO will therefore step up political dialogue and practical cooperation with our partners in the Middle East and North Africa.  NATO will enhance training and capacity building for Iraq, and NATO AWACS aircraft will be made available to support the Counter-ISIL Coalition. NATO is contributing effectively to addressing the refugee and migrant crisis in the Aegean Sea, and stands ready to consider possible additional support to international efforts in the Mediterranean, in complementarity and cooperation with the European Union.  And we will sustain our support to Afghanistan, a partner to which we are committed for the long term.
  9. We believe in a Europe whole, free and at peace.  NATO will provide more support to Ukraine and Georgia, and continue to assist the Republic of Moldova. We will deepen our engagement with partners in the Black and Baltic Sea regions, and in the Western Balkans. We will also maintain our important operation in Kosovo.
  10. Strategic partnership between NATO and the European Union is increasingly essential for the security of our nations and the Euro-Atlantic area.  We are therefore stepping up NATO-EU cooperation in defending against hybrid threats, through operations in the Mediterranean, and in helping partner countries to provide for their own security.
  11. We remain committed to NATO’s Open Door policy, which has strengthened the Alliance and contributed to Euro-Atlantic security.  We look forward to welcoming our newest member, Montenegro, to our community of values.
  12. We pay tribute to the brave men and women in uniform who serve and have served under NATO Command. We owe a solemn debt of gratitude to those who have lost their lives or been injured while protecting our security.
  13. Our Alliance faces complex and evolving security challenges.  NATO will continue to assess changes in the security environment and continue to adapt to play its essential roles, based on the enduring transatlantic bond that unites our countries.