58^ ATA General Assembly


The 58th General Assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) was held in Rome, at the NATO Defense College, on February 4-6, 2013. The Assembly focused on NATO and the Future of Cooperative Security, with a particular reference to the challenges coming from the Mediterranean and Middle East region.

High Government representatives and NATO political and military authorities, took part in the General Assembly together with the Delegates coming from the 37 NATO and Partner countries members of ATA, and belonging to the political, military, diplomatic, academic, and research fields.

The 58th ATA General Assembly was organized over three days:

  • Monday 4 was devoted to a Youth Atlantic Forum gathering hundreds of young researchers and university student selected among the academic institutes and centers of  the NATO and partner countries, with a special attention to the Mediterranean and Middle East region.
  • Tuesday 5 included an Opening Ceremony, followed by two Plenary Sessions addressing the challenges of NATO towards 2020 and the future of the cooperative security in the Mediterranean and Middle East;
  • Wednesday 6 foresaw a Plenary Session discussing the capabilities needed for a modern defense interlocked with an economic development. A Closing Ceremony and the ATA Statutory Assembly ended the proceedings.

The 58th ATA General Assembly intended:

  • To offer a political as well as scientific contribution aimed at promoting an effective approach to cooperative security in the Euro‑Atlantic region and beyond;
  • To facilitate the meeting between decision-makers and the representatives from Centers for study and research coming from NATO and Partners countries, with particular reference to the Mediterranean and the Middle East;
  • To consolidate a network of researchers and experts on cooperative security, both at senior and youth level;
  • To maximize the impact and the synergy effect coming from the merger of:

–  The traditional scientific analysis and debate of the Italian Atlantic Committee’s annual Forum;

–  The NATO Defense College expertise and educational role;

–  The participation of hundreds of prominent decision-makers belonging to the 37 ATA Delegations from NATO and Partner countries attending the General Assembly.

Proceedings will be circulated among civilian, military and academic Institutions of National, Allied and friendly countries.